Walk and Climb Socks - Best Sellers in Summer for our Scottish Customers

Our alpaca walk and climb socks are best sellers this summer.  It may have been 80 degrees, and we're never really surprised about what our customers buy from us at different times of the year, but we've noticed that the fine weather has brought out the heartiest of our walkers and climbers in Scotland this year in particular.

You can never tell what the weather will be like in Scotland, one day it can pour with rain (or for a week at a time) and the next it'll be boiling hot.  One thing is for sure, our customers up north tell us, whatever the weather you have to have a great pair of hiking boots and preferably several pairs of walking and climbing socks.  The important thing about these is that they are Walking and Climbing Sockscomfortable inside your boots, they don't ruck up and they wick away moisture.

We love to hear that our walking socks last for years, and always enjoy when you send us your pictures so please send us more.  These were taken up on the Scottish moors near Cawdor and the river Findhorn where you can climb and walk for miles without seeing anyone else (and there's no phone signal either).  If you go, take a small backpack with a compass, water, a mars bar (for when you run out of energy) and of course a spare pair of socks for when you've had to wade across the river.  We've had to do that one ourselves and sploshing back to your car in sopping socks is no fun at all.

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